Driving change with Hitachi

  • Client
  • Industry
  • Location
    Perth, Australia
  • Projects
    Contract and permanent recruitment
  • World-first

    Leading recruitment supplier for a world-first automated train management system.
  • Building teams for the future

    Talent added 100+ contractors and 100+ permanent employees to Hitachi’s leading project teams. 
  • Longevity

    Multiple projects supported since 2018

Our partnership

Talent has a strong partnership with Hitachi (formerly Ansaldo STS), a renowned system integrator and turnkey provider in the railway transport and rail transport systems sector. With Talent’s support, Hitachi has achieved remarkable milestones, including the establishment of Rio’s ATO system, which revolutionised automated train management.

Their story

Talent has played a pivotal role in the success of Hitachi by providing top-notch recruitment services and resources. Our collaboration began with the recruitment of over 100 contractors and 100 permanent employees for Hitachi’s Perth office, highlighting Talent’s ability to source and supply talent to the Rail and Resources sector. This partnership has grown stronger over time, leading to Talent’s involvement in multiple significant projects for Hitachi.

Their needs

Hitachi relies on Talent to fulfill its resource requirements for various projects. Hitachi seeks reliable and capable resources who can contribute to the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of complex systems. Our Western Australian team’s expertise in recruiting highly skilled professionals is essential for Hitachi to meet the demands of their clients in the railway transport and rail transport systems sector.

Our solution

Talent has consistently delivered outstanding solutions to meet Hitachi’s needs. We have successfully recruited for Hitachi’s projects, including the groundbreaking Rio Tinto ATO system, which involved a $317.5 million contract. Talent’s involvement also extends to projects like FMG Train Control Relocation, Chevron Gorgon VHF Tactical Radio System, and BHP RGP5 Digital Microwave System & Power Upgrade, where they provided resources for system design, supply, installation, and commissioning. Through our comprehensive recruitment process and industry expertise, Talent ensures that Hitachi has access to the skilled workforce required to drive innovation and excellence in the rail transport industry.
